Information disclosure
Aiming to improve its investment appeal and maintain a trust-based dialogue with its stakeholders, Rostelecom discloses information in line with:
- Russian laws
- requirements and recommendations of the Bank of Russia
- requirements of the Moscow Exchange
- internal documents.
The Board of Directors establishes the rules of, and approaches to, disclosures, which are formalised in Rostelecom’s Regulations on the Information Disclosure Policy.
Key objectives of these Regulations are to:
- enhance openness and build trust
- improve transparency
- determine the Company’s disclosure framework.
Key principles of the information policy are:
- timely, consistent, and prompt provision of information
- accessibility, objectivity, completeness, accuracy, and comparability of disclosed information
- equal rights of all stakeholders to obtain information in compliance with all applicable laws, standards, and regulations
- information disclosure regardless of specific individual or group interests
- reasonable balance between the Company’s transparency and protection of its business interests
- confidentiality of information that constitutes a state secret or a trade secret in accordance with the Company’s internal documents
- control over the use of insider information.
The Company discloses information on its official website and on the corporate information disclosure website run by Interfax.